Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Well, yesterday, we woke up thinking I'd just have a two hour delay. Chris already knew he had the day off. Well, about an hour into my two hour delay, I got the call that I didn't have to go into work either. It was very exciting. The snow had just begun to fall heavily and Landon woke up excited! (He knew it was going to snow because he prayed for it the night before) Anyway, Chris cooked up some good ole' cheese grits and then we got dressed in our warmest clothes to go play in the snow. It was the perfect opportunity for the boys to wear their new Carhart overalls they got for Christmas. Anyway, Landon loved the snow and had a snowball fight with Chris. It took about two minutes for Nixon to be ready to go inside. Then, later in the day, Chris & I had all intentions of watching a Desperate Housewives marathon while the soup cooked all afternoon and the boys took their naps. Well, that was not to be! Nixon woke up after about a 30 minute nap with his croup ten times worse than it had been before the nap, so we called the doctor's office. Of course, no doctor's were on call, so we had to make a road trip to Wake Med Children's ER. The nurse said his respiratory rate is supposed to be in the low 20's and his was in the 40's. Good thing we took him! Anyway, they gave him a steroid by mouth that's supposed to last 3 days, plus a breathing treatment. After about 3 hours, we were able to go home, which I didn't think was a terrible amount of time, but definitely not what I wanted to be doing on our Snow Day!! Instead of our good soup, we had one of Landon's favorites, Mit-Donalds. It's okay though, just one of the many parts of being a parent. Plus, Chris had the day off today also and cooked up that good soup for supper tonight, along with some great cheese bread!!

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