Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Lily - 8 Years!

Lily Girl, 
You are 8 years old!  Such an achievement that you've been counting down the days to!  You're full of life and love and spunk.  I know that one day, you're going to be running a company, or at the very least, your household, with ease and grace.  You give your Daddy and me a run for our money with your sassiness.  You love as hard as you fight and I wouldn't have you any other way!

At 8 years old:
-you weigh 46.8 lb (28%)
-you are 46.75" tall (24%)
-you love the color pink
-got your first set of braces
-you want to be an engineer/teacher/builder when you grow up
-you love basketball, but you've tried tumble, baseball, and dance
-you love your siblings one minute and they drive you crazy the next
-you love alone time, especially at the beach

Lily, I love that you're a headstrong little girl, even as it drives me crazy.  I love that you're so sure of yourself and even when you're not, you have enough gumption to keep going.  You're going to change the world Lily!

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