Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Hattie - 6 Years!

Hattie girl, you're 6!  You started kindergarten this year and you're loving it so far!  You struggle in match which is new, but you love reading and love learning.  You are a special little girl that loves her friends.  You've already snuck a pair of shoes into school because you didn't like the "practical" closed toed shoes I decided you should wear during winter.  You're my handful for sure!  

At 6:
-you weigh
-you are " tall
-you love the color purple
-you want to be a teacher
-you love your Daddy, but you love your Moma more
-you love to snuggle
-you learned to read
-you're my little lefty and it's so challenging teaching you how to do stuff with the opposite hand than I'm used to!
-you love to accessorize

Hattie, I love you more than life itself.  I can't imagine our family without you in it!

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