Monday, August 20, 2018

Landon - 13 Years!

My original baby boy is 13! I can't hardly believe that I'm old enough to have a teenager!  Landon has always been such an easy kid.  He has, and always had, such a sweet, compassionate heart.  He takes everything in stride and nothing seems to faze him.  However, you know when something is bothering him, because he wears his emotions all over his face.  It's crazy when you start looking eye to eye with your child, when they start looking more like a grown up than a little boy.  It tugs on your heartstrings just a little to think of everything you've been through together, but also exciting to think about what's to come.  

At 13, Landon:
-weighs 92.4 lb (34%)
-is 5'2" (51%)
-wears an XL shirt, but still a L in pants
-finally moved up to an adult shoe - size 7
-is moving up to 8th grade - last year in middle school even though it feels like we just started
-will play football and baseball in middle school again this year
-has started daily workouts so that he can get stronger
-will eat all day long if you let him
-still wants to be a mechanical engineer when he grows up

Landon, I love you more than life itself.  I'll always be your biggest fan.  You're the one that has taught me so much about myself and this motherhood game

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