Sunday, September 5, 2010

Landon's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Friday, September 3rd, Landon went for his first day of Kindergarten. His teachers are Mrs. Lassiter & Mrs. Batten.  He was so excited, he had been counting down the days!  I packed his lunch, complete with a homemade letter from me..
Chris & I took the day off so we'd be able to both take him on his first day and pick him up.  He walked right into his classroom, put his things in his cubby and sat down in his spot and started coloring.  He was all business and barely looked up to tell me bye.  I'm glad he was like this.  I don't know that I could've left him if he was crying! 

 I almost cried twice, but I actually held it together.  Chris & I took Nixon to Build-a-bear and to lunch for the day.  I think that was a good idea because it helped to keep my mind off of Landon beginning this new stage in his life.  You know, you start to lose some of that childhood innocence once you start school.  You have things you have to worry about, from making friends to homework.  When we went to pick him up, he was all smiles, but as usual, we had to drag the information out of him.  He did say that he had a good day and that he wanted to go back, so I guess that's a good sign!

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