Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Baby Walters Update

I realized that I haven't done a baby update post yet.  Because of that, I'm updating on my two pre-natal visits in this one post.  My first appointment was on May 3rd.  We did the routine things..confirming my due date..December 10th..the bloodwork and of course the ultrasound!  Look at that little ball..I don't remember Nixon and Landon ever being that little on the ultrasound, but I'm sure they were.  I had gained 3 lbs in the first 8 weeks, which I was not at all surprised about.  I had been eating like crazy!!  It was really hard to keep it from everyone those first 4 weeks simply because I was so hungry ALL the TIME!!

On May 27th, I went for my second doctors appointment.  We got another ultrasound since we're doing the Early Screening Testing.  It still amazes me how the whole pregnancy process works and I get teary-eyed every time I see that little heart beating strong.  Luckily, at that appointment, I had gained zero weight, so I've only gained about 3 lbs in my first twelve weeks which I was excited about.  My whole eating frenzy hasn't really slowed down.  I still feel like I'm always hungry and I have headaches everyday.  Other than that, I haven't had any real problems which makes me feel really fortunate.  The only difference between this pregnancy and my other two is how exhausted I am.  I feel like I haven't slept for days pretty much everyday.  It makes it really hard to function at work, but Chris has been great, giving the boys baths, cooking supper, etc.  I'm hoping that's something that won't last too much longer!  Also, when I went to that second visit, I had to have my blood drawn again.  My platelet levels were 140 and they're supposed to be 150 from what the doctor said.  When those results came back, they were at 135.  Even though it was lower, Dr. Trollip said that we would just monitor those levels every trimester to make sure they don't drop to around the 100 range.  If that happens, I'll have to be put on steroids.  Since I've never had a problem before, she informed me that more than likely, it was just a gestational case of Thrombocytopenia (yeah, I had to look up the spelling of that!). 

1 comment:

Life Without Pink said...

Congratulations on your new baby and hope everything goes well for you. How exciting!