Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hattie - 7 Years!

Hattie, my little love bug, you are 7!  You're such a sweet, motherly type.  One of your downfalls is you love too much, but I say that's okay!  You love to cuddle and quality time is definitely your love language.  I love that you still love your babies and you carry them around everywhere.  You're definitely a social butterfly and you love to be right where your people are.  Your favorite thing to do is accessorize and you're still great and knowing right where you left something.  

At 7, you:
-weigh 47.3 lb (30%)
-are 46" tall (13%)
-love the color purple
-love your Peppa Pig blanket still
-had your first broken bone (wrist - June 2020)
-want to be a teacher and a moma to four kids one day
-still keep up with all the catchphrases (bruh, come at me, dope to name a few)
-loved tumble, but you're not really interested in any other sports
-love to run errands with me, never complaining about all the stores we visit

Hattie, I just love that my last baby loves to hang out with me so much.  I see many mother/daughter trips with you in the future.  You're the sweetest girl and you love with your whole heart.

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